
Interactive globe: chlorophyll-a concentration in seawater (1997–2020) Version: 6.0

Access the dataset: Sathyendranath, S. et al (2023)

Data Access

Access to several options, including FTP and the Composite Browser, is available via

The data can be directly downloaded using an FTP client using the following details:

FTP server:
Username: oc-cci-data
Password: ELaiWai8ae

Data Support

Support is available from

Some people have reported that the Mac FTP client has trouble with files bigger than 4GB. If you look at the monthly composites directory and the files there appear to be around 500-600MB rather than ~4.5GB, you're affected by this problem. If you attempt to download, you'll get ~500MB corrupt files. So you'll need to use an alternative FTP client or the terminal.

If you are interested in downloading a subset of the dataset then THREDDS provides several options. As an example, the NetCDF subset service allows for a spatial and / or temporal subset to be extracted.

From, first choose the temporal composites required (daily, 8day or monthly) and then access Option 5, which is NetcdfSubset. Now choose the products, Latitude / Longitude subset and time subset options. Then press Submit at the bottom of the page.

If you receive an error message then it is likely you are trying to download too much data in one block – files cannot be larger than 4GB. The Stride parameter can be set to a value greater than 1 if you only want every nth value.

The output is a single NetCDF file and so this method will become unwieldy for large areas / time periods.If you’d prefer binary or ASCII data then choose Option 1, which is OPeNDAP.

To browse the data in an interactive viewer, the Web GIS Portal ( is an option that can produce plots / graphics of the data, as well as export layers. First select the product(s) that you’re interested in, then select ‘Analysis’ that should be in the top right hand corner and choose what you would like to do.

Citing Ocean Colour CCI information and data products

All Ocean Colour CCI products are free and open. However, we request all users to acknowledge the source of the data, whenever publishing any work based on them.


Please include a general statement acknowledging OC-CCI data and/or assistance in the acknowledgement section of any article.

In addition, please cite the following references, as appropriate:


The correct reference for OC-CCI products is:

Sathyendranath, S, Brewin, RJW, Brockmann, C, Brotas, V, Calton, B, Chuprin, A, Cipollini, P, Couto, AB, Dingle, J, Doerffer, R, Donlon, C, Dowell, M, Farman, A, Grant, M, Groom, S, Horseman, A, Jackson, T, Krasemann, H, Lavender, S, Martinez-Vicente, V, Mazeran, C, Mélin, F, Moore, TS, Müller, D, Regner, P, Roy, S, Steele, CJ, Steinmetz, F, Swinton, J, Taberner, M, Thompson, A, Valente, A, Zühlke, M, Brando, VE, Feng, H, Feldman, G, Franz, BA, Frouin, R, Gould, Jr., RW, Hooker, SB, Kahru, M, Kratzer, S, Mitchell, BG, Muller-Karger, F, Sosik, HM, Voss, KJ, Werdell, J, and Platt, T (2019) An ocean-colour time series for use in climate studies: the experience of the Ocean-Colour Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI). Sensors: 19, 4285. doi:10.3390/s19194285

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

In addition, each version of OC-CCI products has its own DOI. Please provide reference to the appropriate DOI:

Version 6.0

Sathyendranath, S.; Jackson, T.; Brockmann, C.; Brotas, V.; Calton, B.; Chuprin, A.; Clements, O.; Cipollini, P.; Danne, O.; Dingle, J.; Donlon, C.; Grant, M.; Groom, S.; Krasemann, H.; Lavender, S.; Mazeran, C.; Mélin, F.; Müller, D.; Steinmetz, F.; Valente, A.; Zühlke, M.; Feldman, G.; Franz, B.; Frouin, R.; Werdell, J.; Platt, T. (2023): ESA Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative (Ocean_Colour_cci): Monthly climatology of global ocean colour data products at 4km resolution, Version 6.0. NERC EDS Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, date of citation.

Version 5.0:

Sathyendranath, S.; Jackson, T.; Brockmann, C.; Brotas, V.; Calton, B.; Chuprin, A.; Clements, O.; Cipollini, P.; Danne, O.; Dingle, J.; Donlon, C.; Grant, M.; Groom, S.; Krasemann, H.; Lavender, S.; Mazeran, C.; Mélin, F.; Müller, D.; Steinmetz, F.; Valente, A.; Zühlke, M.; Feldman, G.; Franz, B.; Frouin, R.; Werdell, J.; Platt, T. (2021): ESA Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative (Ocean_Colour_cci): Version 5.0 Data. NERC EDS Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, 19 May 2021. doi:10.5285/1dbe7a109c0244aaad713e078fd3059a.

Version 4.2:

Sathyendranath, S.; Jackson, T.; Brockmann, C.; Brotas, V.; Calton, B.; Chuprin, A.; Clements, O.; Cipollini, P.; Danne, O.; Dingle, J.; Donlon, C.; Grant, M.; Groom, S.; Krasemann, H.; Lavender, S.; Mazeran, C.; Mélin, F.; Moore, T.S.; Müller, D.; Regner, P.; Steinmetz, F.; Steele, C.; Swinton, J.; Valente, A.; Zühlke, M.; Feldman, G.; Franz, B.; Frouin, R.; Werdell, J.; Platt, T. (2020): ESA Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative (Ocean_Colour_cci): Global chlorophyll-a data products gridded on a sinusoidal projection, Version 4.2. Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, date of citation.

Version 3.1:

Sathyendranath, S.; Grant, M.; Brewin, R.J.W.; Brockmann, C.; Brotas, V.; Chuprin, A.; Doerffer, R.; Dowell, M.; Farman, A.; Groom, S.; Jackson, T.; Krasemann, H.; Lavender, S.; Martinez Vicente, V.; Mazeran, C.; Mélin, F.; Moore, T.S.; Müller, D.; Platt, T.; Regner, P.; Roy, S.; Steinmetz, F.; Swinton, J.; Valente, A.; Zühlke, M.; Antoine, D.; Arnone, R.; Balch, W.M.; Barker, K.; Barlow, R.; Bélanger, S.; Berthon, J.-F.; Beşiktepe, Ş.; Brando, V.E.; Canuti, E.; Chavez, F.; Claustre, H.; Crout, R.; Feldman, G.; Franz, B.; Frouin, R.; García-Soto, C.; Gibb, S.W.; Gould, R.; Hooker, S.; Kahru, M.; Klein, H.; Kratzer, S.; Loisel, H.; McKee, D.; Mitchell, B.G.; Moisan, T.; Muller-Karger, F.; O'Dowd, L.; Ondrusek, M.; Poulton, A.J.; Repecaud, M.; Smyth, T.; Sosik, H.M.; Taberner, M.; Twardowski, M.; Voss, K.; Werdell, J.; Wernand, M.; Zibordi, G. (2018): ESA Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative (Ocean_Colour_cci): Version 3.1 Data. Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, 04 July 2018. doi:10.5285/9c334fbe6d424a708cf3c4cf0c6a53f5

Version 2.0:

Sathyendranath, S, Groom, S, Grant, M, Brewin, RJW, Thompson, A, Chuprin, A, Horseman, A, Jackson, T, Martinez Vicente, V, Platt, T, Brockmann, C, Zühlke, M, Doerffer, R, Valente, A, Brotas, V, Krasemann, H, Müller, D, Dowell, M, Mélin, F, Swinton, J, Farman, A, Lavender, S, Moore, TS, Regner, P, Roy, S, Steinmetz, F, Mazeran, C, Brando, VE, Taberner, M, Antoine, D, Arnone, R, Balch, WM, Barker, K, Barlow, R, Bélanger, S, Berthon, J, Beşiktepe, Ş, Canuti, E, Chavez, F, Claustre, H, Crout, R, Frouin, R, García-Soto, C, Gibb, SW, Gould, R, Hooker, S, Kahru, M, Klein, H, Kratzer, S, Loisel, H, McKee, D, Mitchell, BG, Moisan, T, Feldman, G, Franz, B, Muller-Karger, F, O'Dowd, L, Ondrusek, M, Poulton, AJ, Repecaud, M, Smyth, T, Sosik, HM, Twardowski, M, Voss, K, Werdell, J, Wernand, M, Zibordi, G (2016) ESA Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative (Ocean_Colour_cci): Version 2.0 Data. Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, 20 December 2016. doi:10.5285/b0d6b9c5-14ba-499f-87c9-66416cd9a1dc

Version 1.0:

Sathyendranath, S, Groom, S, Grant, M, Brewin, RJW, Thompson, A, Chuprin, A, Horseman, A, Jackson, T, Martinez Vicente, V, Platt, T, Brockmann, C, Zühlke, M, Doerffer, R, Valente, A, Brotas, V, Krasemann, H, Müller, D, Dowell, M, Mélin, F, Swinton, J, Farman, A, Lavender, S, Moore, TS, Regner, P, Roy, S, Steinmetz, F, Mazeran, C, Brando, VE, Taberner, M, Antoine, D, Arnone, R, Balch, WM, Barker, K, Barlow, R, Bélanger, S, Berthon, J, Beşiktepe, Ş, Canuti, E, Chavez, F, Claustre, H, Crout, R, Frouin, R, García-Soto, C, Gibb, SW, Gould, R, Hooker, S, Kahru, M, Klein, H, Kratzer, S, Loisel, H, McKee, D, Mitchell, BG, Moisan, T, Feldman, G, Franz, B, Muller-Karger, F, O'Dowd, L, Ondrusek, M, Poulton, AJ, Repecaud, M, Smyth, T, Sosik, HM, Twardowski, M, Voss, K, Werdell, J, Wernand, M, Zibordi, G (2016) ESA Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative (Ocean_Colour_cci): Version 1.0 Data. Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, 20 December 2016. doi:10.5285/E32FEB53-5DB1-44BC-8A09-A6275BA99407.

OC-CCI in situ databases

Version 2:

Valente, A, Sathyendranath, S, Brotas, V, Groom, S, Grant, M, Taberner, M, Antoine, D, Arnone, R, Balch, WM, Barker, K Barlow, R, Bélanger, S, Berthon, J-F, Besiktepe, S, Borsheim, Y, Bracher, A, Brando, V, Canuti, E, Chavez, F, Cianca, A, Claustre, H, Clementson, L, Crout, R, Frouin, R, García-Soto, C, Gibb, SW, Gould, R, Hooker, SB, Kahru, M, Kampel, M, Klein, H, Kratzer, S, Kudela, R, Ledesma, J, Loisel, H, Matrai, P, McKee, D, Mitchell, BG, Moisan, T, Muller-Karger, F, O’Dowd, L, Ondrusek, M, Platt, T, Poulton, AJ, Repecaud, M, Schroeder, T, Smyth, T, Smythe-Wright, D, Sosik, HM, Twardowski, M, Vellucci, V, Voss, K, Werdell, J, Wernand, M, Wright, S, and Zibordi, G (2019) A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data for ocean-colour satellite applications – version two. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 11, 1037–1068.

Version 1:

Valente, A, Sathyendranath, S, Brotas, V, Groom, S, Grant, M, Taberner, M, Antoine, D, Arnone, R, Balch, W, Barker, K, Barlow, R, Bélanger, S, Berthon, JF, Besiktepe, S, Brando, V, Canuti, E, Chavez, F, Claustre, H, Crout, R, Frouin, R, Garcìa-Soto, C, Gibb, SW, Gould, R, Hooker, S, Kahru, M, Klein, H, Kratzer, S, Loisel, H, McKee, D, Mitchell, BG, Moisan, T, Muller-Karger, F., O'Dowd, L, Ondrusek, M, Poulton, A, Repecaud, M, Smyth, T, Sosik, HM, Twardowski, M, Voss, K, Werdell, J, Wernand, M, Zibordi, G (2016) A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data for ocean-colour satellite applications. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 8, 235–252, 2016 doi: 10.5194/essd-8-235-2016