News & Events

9 september 2020

10th CCI Colocation Meeting

The 10th CCI Colocation Meeting will take place live online from 9-11 September 2020.

  • 9 september 2020
  • ESA Climate Office, European Space Agency (ESA), ECSAT, Fermi Avenue, Harwell Campus, Oxfordshire OX11 0FD, United Kingdom
Leaflet © OpenStreetMap bijdragers

The three-day event brings together the CCI’s science community and invited participants from lead international organisations in the climate science community to review ESA’s role in providing evidence of a changing climate and showcasing the programme’s achievements and contribution to existing and future international climate initiatives.

In addition, and most importantly, participants will review lessons learned and steer priorities for future activities, including support to the UNFCCC Paris Agreement, through interactive breakout discussions.

The meeting will also discuss and explore the contemporary role of AI Contribution to Climate Data and Modelling and update participants with regard to on-going collaboration between CCI and C3S.

Participation is by invitation only. Please register by 3 September 2020 stating which plenary and breakout session(s) you will join. Joining instructions and guidance on how to participate fully in the meeting will be emailed to you on Friday 4 September.

Full agenda:

All timings below are CET


Tijdzone: UTC

9 september 2020
  • 14:00 Opening and Welcome. By Maurice Borgeaud, H/D-EOP-S
  • 14:10 Presentation: ESA’s role in providing evidence of a changing climate, including CCI’s achievements. By Josef Aschbacher, Director EOP
10 september 2020
  • 10:00 Session 3: Earth Observation for UNFCCC Paris Agreement. Organiser: M. Hegglin, M. Buchwitz. Moderator: S. Pinnock, F.M.Seifert
10 september 2020
  • 10:00 Session 4: AI Contribution to Climate Data and Modelling. Organiser: U. Willen, C. Brockmann, A. Waterfall, R. Hollmann. Moderator: E. Pechorro, M. Engdahl