CMUG Integration Meeting Oct 2024
Date: CMUG Integration Meeting 16th October & CCI Colocation Meeting 17-18th October 2024
Location: ESA-ECSAT Conference Centre, Harwell Campus, Oxfordshire, UK
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Wednesday 16th October
09:00 - 12:30 CMUG Integration
- 09:00 - 09:30 Registration & Networking
- 09:30 - 09:35 Opening & Welcome (Susanne Mecklenburg, ESA)
- 09:35 - 09:45 CMUG Introduction & Status (Amy Doherty, Met Office / CMUG)
- 09:45 - 11:00 CMUG Science Studies (Part I)
- ESMValTool - Latest Updates (Axel Lauer, DLR)
- Machine Learning to Advance Climate Model Evaluation and Process Understanding (Lisa Bock, DLR)
- Impact of Integrating CCI Land Cover Data in ISBA Land Surface Model (Jean-Christophe Calvet, Météo France)
- Seasonal predictability of Ocean Biogeochemistry and Potential Benefits of ESA CCI Data Assimilation (David Ford, Met Office / Joan Llort, BSC)
- Cloud and Aerosol Analysis (Jeronimo Escribano, BSC / Kirsti Salonen, ECMWF)
- 11:00 -11:30 Coffee Break
- 11:30 - 12:30 CMUG Science Studies (Part II)
- Snow Dynamics Impacts on Temperate / High Latitude Climate (Amélie Cuynet / Catherine Ottlé, IPSL)
- Atmospheric Drivers and Feedback Processes Affecting the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets in Observations and Regional Climate Models (Ulrika Willén, SMHI, and Shuting Yang, SMHI)
- Using Machine Learning to Evaluate and Understand our Capability to Model Tropical Wetland Methane Emissions (Cristina Ruiz Villena and Rob Parker, NCEO / University of Leicester)
- Vegetation Phenology and Vegetation Hydrometeorology (Daniele Peano, CMCC)
- 12:30-14:00 - Lunch & Posters Put on Display
14:00 - 17:00 Day 1: CMUG-CMIP Session
- 14:00 - 14:10 Welcome to CMUG-CMIP Session (Eleanor O'Rourke, CMIP IPO)
- 14:10 - 14:35 Observation Requirements from the Modelling Community (Amy Doherty, CMUG / Ranjini Swaminathan, CMIP Model Benchmarking)
- 14:35 - 14:55 The Role of Observations in CMIP7 (Eleanor O'Rourke, CMIP IPO)
- Update on CMIP7 Timeline; Forcings; Data Request; REF
- Q&A
- 14:55 - 15:05 Introduction to Breakout Sessions (Briony Turner, CMIP IPO)
- 15:05 - 15:30 Breakout Session 1
- 15:30 - 15:35 Session Changeover
- 15:35 - 16:10 Breakout Session 2
- 16:00 - 16:10 Short Break, including Cross-Thematic Huddle
- 16:10 - 16:40 Feedback from Breakout Sessions by Thematic Group Chair
- 15:05 - 15:30 Breakout Session 1
- 16:40 - 17:00 Looking Forward & Opportunity Identification (Eleanor O'Rourke, CMIP IPO)
- 17:00 - 18:30 Poster Session & Drinks Reception at ECSAT Conference Centre