Europe’s leading climate researchers and modellers convened for the 13th annual ESA Climate Change Initiative colocation and CMUG integration meetings at the new ESA ECSAT conference centre, Harwell Oxfordshire, UK.
The meeting provided a programme-wide update, maintain scientific coherence across project teams, consolidate common approaches and mobilise the multi-disciplinary scientific expertise available within the various teams.
Meeting Summary
A summary document of the 13th CCI colocation and CMUG integration is available
Agenda (GMT)
Tuesday 7 November
09:00 - 09:30 Registration at ECSAT conference centre
09:30-12:30 Session One - Opening and Welcome
- Opening and welcome (Susanne Mecklenburg, ESA) 10’
- Update on current status of CCI (Susanne Mecklenburg, ESA) 20’
- Update on CCI research fellows (Anna Maria Trofaier, ESA) 20’
- CCI Data Policy & CCI Knowledge Exchange (Ed Pechorro, ESA) 20’
10:45 Coffee break 15'
- Delivery of new long time series of datasets and Fundamental Data Records (Mirko Albani, ESA) 20’
- Update on CMIP activities: planning for CMIP-7, plans for provision of forcing data sets, feedback from world café at WCRP OSC, obs4MIPS (Eleanor O’Rourke, CMIP IPO) 20’
- Use of EO for forcing data sets (Claire MacIntosh, ESA) 20’
- Amazon campaign: current plans (Clement Albergel, Dirk Schuettemeyer, Malcolm Davidson, ESA) 20’
- Update on IPCC AR7 (Sarah Connors, ESA) 15'
- Q&A
12:45 - 14:00 - Lunch
14:00 - 17:30 Session 2 - Cross-ECVs
- Feedback from Joint GCOS-WCRP cycles workshop (Han Dolman, NIOZ (remote)) 20’
- Introduction to the ITT for cross-ECVs (Anna Maria Trofaier, ESA) 10’
- Discussions on potential cross-ECV topics to be organised by science leaders (Darren Ghent, Leicester Uni)
15:30 Coffee break 15'
- (cont..) Discussions on potential cross-ECV topics to be organised by science leaders (Darren Ghent, Leicester Uni)
17:30 Leave ECSAT for Welcome Drinks reception Oxford University Museum of Natural History
Note: transport and food provided
Wednesday 8 November
09:30 - 12:30 - Session 3: Emerging topics
- Update on recent developments in ESA’s EO Programme (Rune Floberghagen, ESA) 20’
- Update on the EO science strategy and how to involve the CCI community (Malcolm Davidson, ESA) 30’
- Q&A on EO science strategy 15’
10:45 Coffee break 15'
New topics under the UNFCCC Paris Agreement: adaptation
- What are the most pressing issues for adaptation to a changing climate (Richard Dawson, Newcastle University) 20'
- The GCOS adaptation task team (Antonio Bombelli, WMO, GCOS TOPC Chair (remote)) 20'
- CCI plans for adaptation – health (Rochelle Schneider, ESA) 20'
- Example Use Case from LST_cci (Darren Ghent, Leicester University)
TRUTHS – overview and status (Andrea Marini, ESA (remote) and Nigel Fox, NPL) 30’
Copernicus Climate Change Service updates (Joaquin Munoz, ECMWF) 20'
12:30 - 13:30 - Lunch
13:30 - 17:30 - Session 4: Joint CCI/CMUG session: Observations/Model intercomparison
- ESMValTool – latest updates (Axel Lauer, DLR) 30'
- Obs4MIPS in CCI (Simon Pinnock, ESA) 30'
- CMUG work package on future evolution of Obs4MIPs (Amy Doherty, UK Met Office) 20'
15:00 Coffee break 30'
- Outlook for EO data exploitation in CMIP7 (Martin Juckes/Phil Kershaw, CEDA)
- CMIP/CORDEX DISCUSSION (Eleanor O'Rourke, CMIP IPO, Chris Lennard, CORDEX Africa, Irene Lake & Grisha Nikulin, CORDEX IPO) 60'
- Discussion on Linking Observations with Models in CLIMATE-SPACE (Simon Pinnock) 30'
17:30 - 20:30 - Poster session
(All projects are to present their latest scientific highlights)
Thursday 9 November
09:00-13:00 Session 5: CMUG Integration
- Introduction to the Integration Meeting (Richard Jones, UK Met Office) (30')
- Overview of CMUG phase 2, Presentation of CMUG plans for phase 2 (1 slide per WP/study) (30')
- First Session: Breakout rooms by science study for joint kick-offs (60')
- Room 1 = WP5.1 Machine learning for process understanding (moon room)
- Room 2 = WP5.8 Machine learning for wetland methane emissions (mars room)
11:00 Coffee break 30’
- Second Session: Breakout rooms by science study for joint kick-offs (60')
- Room 1 = WP5.3 Land cover (moon room)
- Room 2 = WP5.6 Snow dynamics (mars room)
- Room 3 = WP5.7 Ice sheets (ECSAT 243)
- Room 4 = Drop in for ESMValTool demo
- Concluding remarks and meeting close (30')